Missing Classmates

Below is a list of classmates  for whom we  either do not have any contact information at all  or we have no current valid email address. For many, we have a mailing address but that is all.

If you are on this list, please register at the site by clicking on your name and provide us with current info.  If you know where any of these people are, we'd love to hear from you. Please submit to us any contact information you have. Thank you.

Daniel Anderson
Jim Anderson
Joellen Anderson
Bruce Arnsdorf
Kevin (Casey) Bacon
Michael Baird
Jim Barber
Jan Barker
Dale Barnes
Jim Barnes
James F. Beck
Fernando Bedregal
Maryke Bendsneyder
Cecelia Benner
Julie Bennett
Mike Bevandich
Kristjana Bodvarsson
Cynthia Brister
Chip Bubl
David Wan Hau Chan
Beverly Chapman
David L. Chaput
Aurora Chong
Michael Christy
Steve Clarke
Jerry Colville (Beeks)
Cathy Conley
Nancy Conley (Nietzel)
Sandra Corliss
Susan Coughlin (Sprinkel)
Kyle Crocker
Roland Crop
Carolyn Crossen (Specht)
Robert D. Cummings
Larry Cushman
Sherry Davis (Anderson)
Bob Denison
Dan Doty
Karen Drlica (Kernek)
Debbie Eshoo (Schmitt)
Lynn Ewing
Jeff Fagnan
Charles Fletcher
Robert A. Florence
Tom Ford
Charles Sean Foster
Jill Frazier
Brenda Freeman
Richard Galbraith
Mark Galloway
Phillip Gambill
Linda Gatchell
Paula Gawith
Gregg Giles
Larry Goetzinger
Nancy Grey
Terry Hartman
Roselyn Harward (Hagedorn)
Leslie Hathhorn
Candy Hayes
Judy Holbrook
Kay Hollister
Susan Hoskins (Reichwein)
Larry Humphrey
Penny Hyde (Christensen)
Janice Jackson
Larry Jimmerson
Charlotte Jones (Bradley)
Linda Jones (Miller)
Ron Jones
David Kammerer
Nancy Knight
Wade Knudson
Linda Kohlert
Larry Kropf
Pam Larkin (Corgan)
Geraldine Lawrence
Theresa Lee
Mysti Libbrecht
Kathy Jo Littlefield
Lennie Logan
Michael Long
Michael Lucker
Terri Marks
Melinda Maxwell (Watzig)
Gail Mayshark
Sandra McBeth
Maebeth McCarthy (Hardy)
Steven L. McCloskey
Judy McComber
Mike McKenzie
Michael McRae
William Meals
Paul Miller
Roberta Miller
Sharon Miller (Garren)
Janice Morton
Michael J. Mulcahy
Connie Neal
Minda Nelson (Rarick)
Ray Nelson
Beth Nichols (Shannon)
John Nickerson
Phyllis Noll (Distifeno)
Marybell Norberg
Rolf Olsen
Irene Otte
Art Otto
Linda Padgett (Korb)
Mary Parker (Busart)
Bob Patty
Gail Paxson
Donna Pockrus
Ronald Pockrus
Carole Pointer (Koenig)
Darlene Pollard
Tannis Powell
Kenny A. Pugh
Bonnie Randall (Brimacomb)
Kathleen Alice Ross Reed
Sue Ricard
Doug Roberts
Sue Robertson
Christa Rohringer
Pamela Sarrasin (Hussey)
Dixie Savage
Gary Savin
Jim Schmaltz
Donna Lee Schmidt (McKinney)
Sandra Schomberg
Daniel Schumacher
John L. Schwarz
David Sexton
Thomas Shuhart
Mike Smith
Robert M. Smith
Sharon Smith (Kness)
Stephen Solberg
Charles St. John
Steve Stewart
Christy Stout
John Studach
Susan Summy (Watenpaugh)
Donna Taylor
Fatima Telwar
Lyn TenPas (McNeff)
Nancy Thayer (Bigelow)
Brenda Thompson
Carl Timmons
Roy Treichler
Elaine Trumbo (Isley)
Stephen Valley
Richard Villemyer
Bonnie Wade
Larry Ward
Linda Watson (Clark)
Don Weber
Glen Weedman
Caren West
Alison Whitney
Frances Wieman
Pamela Williams
Robert Williams
Dennis Williamson
Bruce Wilson
Terese Woelfle (Regan)
David Wolf
Sandy Wolfenbarger (Adams)
Mazie Wren